Latest News
/ 8 years agoTR East Little League to Host Opening Day Parade This Weekend, Honor Challenger League
Toms River East Little League’s Opening Day is this Saturday, April 1, and this year the league will pay a special...
/ 8 years agoToms River Resident Found Dead in Water Near Marina
One of the two individuals found dead in the water is off the Channel Club marina in Monmouth Beach Friday was...
/ 8 years agoToms River Still Struggling With Pace of Sandy Recovery
Over nearly four-and-a-half years, less than two-thirds of homes considered “substantially damaged” during Superstorm Sandy have been rebuilt or fully repaired, data...
/ 8 years agoLibrary to Host Gang Awareness Event
The Toms River branch of the Ocean County Library will host a gang awareness presentation to shed light on gang activity...
/ 8 years agoEnvironmental Center at Cattus Island Park Officially Reopens, Features New Attractions
More than four years after it was decimated by Superstorm Sandy – and after nearly as many years of planning and...
/ 8 years agoLocal Teens Star in Powerful Video Warning of Consequences of ‘Sexting’
Students from across Ocean County star in a new video in the "Right Turns" series, this time focusing on the consequences...
/ 8 years agoAt T.R. North, A Tale of Two Mariners Teams That Battled ‘Til the End
There was plenty of excitement in boys and girls basketball at Toms River High School North. And not just because the...
/ 8 years agoHearing on Toms River Mosque, School Rescheduled for April
A plan to build a two-story mosque and school along Lakewood Road in Toms River will be the subject of a hearing...
/ 8 years agoToms River Puts off ‘Airbnb’ Regulation Ordinance
Toms River will revise a proposed ordinance regulating short terms rentals –particularly those booked through online services such as Airbnb. The...
/ 8 years agoAuthorities ID Man Who Died After Altercation With Police
Officials on Wednesday morning announced the name of the man who was shot and killed by Toms River police at a...