/ 8 years ago‘B Street Band’ to Perform at People’s Pantry Fundraiser
The B Street Band, one of the most popular tributes to Brice Springstreen and the E Street Band, will performa a...
/ 8 years agoTR East Little League to Host Opening Day Parade This Weekend, Honor Challenger League
Toms River East Little League’s Opening Day is this Saturday, April 1, and this year the league will pay a special...
/ 8 years agoLibrary to Host Gang Awareness Event
The Toms River branch of the Ocean County Library will host a gang awareness presentation to shed light on gang activity...
/ 8 years agoToms River Students’ Artwork to be On Display at Library This Month
The Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library was packed on the evening of Monday, March 6 with students, parents...
/ 8 years agoClocks Spring Ahead Saturday: TR Fire Bureau Sends Reminder on Smoke Detectors
“Change you clocks, change your batteries” has become part of the American lexicon. And it’s worth repeating, Toms River fire officials...
/ 8 years agoToms River Seeking Summer Camp Counselors
Toms River Township’s Youth Services division is looking for camp counselors to work this summer. The township said Tuesday that counselors must...
/ 8 years agoPolar Plunge to Spur Route 37 Traffic as 6,700 Plan Chilly Swim
Organizers of the 2017 Seaside Heights Polar Plunge, set for Saturday, estimate 6,700 people will jump into the chilly ocean to...
/ 8 years agoCheck Your Tickets: $50K Powerball Ticket Sold in Toms River
If you bought a Powerball lottery ticket in Toms River recently, you might be $50,000 richer...
/ 8 years agoNew Fast-Casual Mexican Restaurant Coming to Toms River
The highly-competitive burrito and taco market in Toms River is about to have another player – a national chain that will...
/ 8 years agoReminder: Boating Open House Today, Saturday; Live Radio Broadcast and Special Pricing
Dreaming of a boat for this coming season? Coastal Boat Sales in Brick will host an open house in its indoor showroom...