A barricaded suspect slashed himself with a knife in a Toms River motel room Thursday, leading police to enter the room and secure the man so he could be brought to a hospital.
The incident played out at about 10:20 a.m. Thursday, when officers were called to Motel 6 on Route 37 for a reported incident in progress involving a barricaded suspect in possession of a knife.
“Upon arrival, officers attempted to communicate with the man and deescalate the situation,” said police spokeswoman Jillian Messina. “Unfortunately, negotiations were unsuccessful, and the man began cutting his throat with a box cutter/knife.”
In an effort to stop him from causing further harm to himself, officers forced entry into the room. He continued to fight with officers as they took him into custody, Messina said, but was eventually subdued. Due to the extent of the self-inflicted injuries, he was transported to Jersey Shore University Medical Center where he underwent surgery and is listed in critical, but stable condition.
“These types of calls are unfortunately more and more common, and particularly dangerous to all involved,” said Police Chief Mitch Little. “I would like to commend all the officers for their outstanding job in preventing a tragedy, as well as their composure and professionalism during this extremely dangerous incident.”
The identity of the man was not divulged due to medical privacy concerns.

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