Large groups of youths are congregating in Toms River’s North Beach portions of the barrier island, prompting the department to crack down on behavior that includes noise violations, vandalism, littering and traffic offenses.
The department on Thursday said they have been “experiencing a significant increase in the number of unruly juveniles congregating and committing offenses in the northern beach section of town” and will be dedicating more personnel to the area,
“The Toms River Police Department is committed to protecting the residents of our community as well as their property and will not tolerate disrespectful or destructive behavior,” the statement went on to say. “We are requesting parents from neighboring jurisdictions not drop their children off into this area due to ongoing issues.”
Last year, township officials expressed concern with large groups congregating near the Wawa store in Chadwick Beach, leading to the discussion of a potential curfew for minors. That policy was never put into effect.
The statement said a heightened police presence will be in effect and there will be zero tolerance for all offenses including motor vehicle infractions.
Areas of concern are specifically Normandy Beach and Chadwick Beach, according to the department.

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