Kenneth Lyons (Photo: OCPO)
An Ocean County grand jury has handed up an indictment charging a Toms River man with attempted murder and arson for allegedly setting an acquaintance’s home and car on fire.
Prosecutors say Kenneth Lyons, 36, of Ocean Township, intentionally set fire to the home at 6 Castro Street in Toms River and a Hyundai Sonata that was parked outside the residence. Police officers suspected foul play from the beginning and secured the scene so investigators could determine the cause of the blaze, said Al Della Fave, spokesman for the prosecutor’s office.
The subsequent investigation of the fire, which occurred at 1:30 a.m. April 7, would lead to the identification and arrest of Lyons, who knew the woman whose home and car he allegedly burnt. Lyons remains incarcerated in the Ocean County Jail.