Maestro Anton Del Forno
“How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” the old joke goes. The punchline: “practice.” But local residents who want to see a Carnegie Hall production do not have to travel far.
Maestro Anton Del Forno and his manager created “Bringing The Great Concert Hall Music To The People.” This presentation promises to give an opportunity to experience a free virtuoso performance.
The concert program will include selections of various composers, including original works. Meet the maestro after the concert and ask him any questions you may have.
The event will be beld 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24 at the Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library.
Parking is free after 5 p.m. in the top two levels of the Toms River parking garage located behind the library and in the Ocean County parking garage on Hooper Avenue.
The branch is located at 101 Washington Ave. Toms River. This program is free but registration is required. To register call 732-349-6200 or visit theoceancountylibrary.org.