Ocean County Library, Toms River (File Photo)
Music lovers are invited to hear the Toms River Multigenerational Orchestra perform at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 14 at the Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library.
This local group brings together musicians of all ages and skill levels who put on dynamic and engaging concerts.
The orchestra will play a selection of favorite classics as well as original compositions. The branch is located at 101 Washington St. Toms River.
The performance is free but registration is required. To register call 732-349-6200 or visit www.theoceancountylibrary.org
Free parking is available daily after 5 p.m. plus all day Saturday and Sunday in the top and middle levels of the Toms River parking garage located behind the library or all levels, anytime in the Ocean County parking garage on Hooper Avenue.