A plan to build a two-story mosque and school along Lakewood Road in Toms River will be the subject of a hearing before the township’s Board of Adjustment in April.
The case was originally scheduled to be heard in January but was postponed.
The Muslim Society of South Jersey has proposed the 51,040 square foot, two-story facility to be constructed at 1733 Lakewood Road (Route 9), between Silverton and Church roads. The site is owned by the North American Islamic Trust, based in Toms River, according to tax records.
Neighbors have expressed concern over the project since the school would be built on a plot of land about half of what is required under township zoning laws.
The newly-proposed building would include room for both a mosque and school, according to documents filed with the township, but its developer must overcome some township zoning regulations before permission is granted for construction to begin. A conditional use variance must be obtained since the property is located in the Rural Highway Business Zone, and a variance would be required for the school, since the township’s zoning ordinance requires private schools to be built on a site at least 10 acres in area. The proposed school would be located on a lot that measures 5.568 acres.
The application will be heard before the board April 27 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting takes place at the township municipal complex, 33 Washington Street.