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Hurricane Irma Response Could Delay Ortley Beach Replenishment

A dredge pipe set up on Ortley Beach, May 11, 2017. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

A dredge pipe set up on Ortley Beach, May 11, 2017. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The response to Hurricane Irma in Florida and the Caribbean could end up delaying the start of a Jersey Shore beach replenishment project.

Toms River Councilwoman Maria Maruca said Tuesday at a township council meeting that work on the Ortley Beach portion of the project, which was scheduled to re-start in the fall, will now be starting later.

“We’re scheduled for late fall, but with everything going on with storms, there is need for dredging in the Caribbean, and they’ve moving boats in and out,” said Maruca.

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said the work remaining in Ortley Beach will start any time between Dec. 2017 and Feb. 2018. The Normandy Beach section of town (though not all of the North Beaches) will be Jan. 2018 and Feb. 2018.

Initial work to set up new dune crossovers will begin soon in Ortley Beach, Toms River officials announced Tuesday.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “will be performing some preparatory work on the dune walkovers as part of the upcoming dune project,” the township said in a statement.

During the work, a walkover may be temporally taken out of service for safety reasons, however access to the beach will remain open using the adjacent walkovers, according to officials.

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